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What happens if you burn your manifestation paper

What happens if you burn your manifestation paper

What happens if you burn your manifestation paper

Can You Burn Your Manifestation Paper? (Yes, Here’s Why…)

Many of us put our manifestations on paper. But can you burn your proof paper?

Yes, you can burn your supporting documents. You can write your manifestations on wood, stone or even sand. A piece of paper, a piece of wood, sand, etc., are powerless. The forces that attract you to manifest are within you, in your feelings, in your emotions, in your thoughts and intentions.

Now let’s talk about it in detail.

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what happens if you burn your manifestation paper

what happens if you burn your manifestation paper

Why Can You Burn Your Manifestation Paper?

Your performance file has no power to attract your performance. It only records your feelings, emotions and thoughts. The real power lies in you! You are the one who makes your wishes come true. You are the one who attracts manifestations with your feelings, emotions and thoughts.

So if you burn the paper, that’s okay, because the paper doesn’t have the ability to attract the manifestations you want. You have the real power to attract manifestations.

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Why burn a piece of paper? You can keep it in a safe place for years or even decades to show your children and grandchildren proof of what’s written on that note. It will always remind you of the feelings, emotions and thoughts that play a role in your manifestation. Most of us do.

However, you can burn your paper with confidence that the universe will keep its word.

This is what happens when you burn paper

Burning Your Manifestation Paper: Fast and Effective Burning Ritual

One of the reasons fire is so important to manifestation is that it can help purify and purify your energy and space. The universe consists of three powerful elements, water, fire, and air. Each of these elements plays an important role in the performance process.

Water is necessary because it represents our emotions. It can be used to wash and purify our negative emotions and environment. Fire is essential because it represents our passion and drive. It can help motivate us and push us to achieve our aspirations. Air is vital because it symbolizes our thoughts and ideas. It can help us turn our wishes into reality.

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So can we use fire to speed up our desires and make them manifest more quickly? If we wrote our manifestations on paper, wouldn’t burning that piece of paper make our desire stronger and increase our connection to the universe, making it more likely?

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Can You Burn Manifestation Paper?

You can burn your proof paper as long as you do it safely, preferably outdoors. Burning your performance paper releases your desires into the universe and increases your connection to fire energy. Burning is a powerful ritual that has been used for centuries to release energy and express desire.

Additionally, burning your presentation paper helps create a strong visual representation of your intent, which helps amplify its impact. When you burn your manifest paper, it releases your desires into the universe faster.

When you burn your performance paper, you release your desires into the universe and demand that they be fulfilled. The universe will take your desires and begin to adjust the circumstances and people in your life to make your manifestation a reality.

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The act of burning your credentials is also a way to increase your personal power. When you release your desires into the universe, you also increase your own connection to the fire energy. This can help motivate you and push you to achieve your aspirations.

If you are not ready to give up your performance file, you can save it for later use. This might be a good option if you’re not sure about your wishes or want to keep an eye on them.

Your best bet is to create performance journals.

You can do this by buying a regular notebook or a 3-ring binder where you can punch holes in presentation paper and file them all in one place.

The advantage of keeping your performance files is that you can review and reflect on your progress. This is a great way to track your growth and see how far you’ve come.

The bad part is that you might be obsessed with whether the law of attraction works.

Ideally, you would be able to stop manifesting and forget about it, giving the universe time to fulfill your wishes.

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What happens if you burn your manifestation paper

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